#What programs are similar to ccleaner windows 10
On the one Windows 10 'test' rig i have used HD Cleaner as a CCleaner like tool. I'm sure if a picked up an infected version or was having issues with the latest i'd be looking for another tool. However i have older versions (v1.26.698) that have never had any of the troubles related to the new versions. It is fantastic for cleaning up ALL the crap your browsers collect from daily use, and as a 'one click fixes all' time saver, i still use it every day today and it has never broken anything. I've been using CCleaner as part of my windows tool box for decades now (well it feels like that long!). To the OP, what you need is a version of CCleaner before that ownership change took place, that also is known safe (as in not hi-jacked etc). If your a tech level guy that does this stuff for a job (fun?), you will hate the rest of this post (probably), but some of us just want to do other stuff than hunt down things in the registry or purge each browser individually of cookies or write our own scripts to do that for us etc. Iirc CCleaner was sold by the original developer (Piriform) and is now run by the guys behind the Avast AV software? Something along those lines.